Well, the moment has come...transfers...after 6 months in Yajalon I....stay here with Elder Walker another transfer! Woohoo. Haha. I am not going to lie, I was expecting a little change, but hey...Gods ways are better than mine. However, Elder Hercules is leaving! He is going to the offices as the financial secretary, and others in our district are changing. Now, Elder Walker and I will be practically the only gringos in our Zone.
This morning Elder Walker and I had a wonderful talk. Truthfully, after 4 and a half months, we have gotten tired of each other every now and then. But we shared the little things we wanted to change, we shared our worries and every thing. I was so touched by how much we felt a love for each other. Sometimes, little things had made me forget how special he is. We are going to try really hard!
Also, it is raining a ton! A year ago here the city flooded, killing a couple of people and knocking some buildings down, because a river runs through the middle of it.
Two nights ago as we are planning, we looked out and saw a Red Cross Ambulance driving around anouncing on the megaphone that we should stand alert and have our important papers on hand. That was intense...but luckily our house is up high, so we werent worried. There was a bunch of water, but I didn`t get any good photos of it. Bad luck.
Leyver, who got baptized recently, and Luis (whose wife Yadira got baptized recently) are preparing for the Melchizedek Priesthood in 15 days. They both struggly eliminating the last one percent of Coffee. But we are working hard on that.
Anilu is the most converted investigator that I have taught. She loves it, and so believes the church is true. And is way smart. She is going to college in San Cristobal, and went to church on sunday there...and loved it. If all goes well, she will get baptized with her brother (and maybe sister) this saturday.
I love Jesus Christ and know that he can help us make it, even when we feel like we can`t. I think about what he wants from us...who he wants us to become...and I know that he won`t leave us hanging. He will help us, lift us, and wipe away our tears.
Okay. Love yall
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