Salvador and Rosarios baptism!
A photo of a part of the ward after church on sunday
Um...As far as investigators go I want to share the story of Salvador and Rosario. Oh, and for you mom, they are the ones whose son used to be in oklahoma that you called. But ya, they have always had such a sincere desire to follow Christ and to put their life in order. We had been working with the Stake President (who used to work in the civil offices for marriage paperwork) to help their marriage go fast, and it did! They got married on friday, and it was a stressful, but funny experience. We had told them to get there at 12 o clock. However, It began rolling around 12:30, and then 1 o clock and they didn´t come! We were there waiting with the Stake Presidente and the Witnesses (four members of the church). At about 1:15 they came in a taxi way dressed up. It isn`t very common to do that here when you go to sign the papers. But all the people there were like, "Awwww." Because they are an elderly couple and he got in his suit, and she got her hair all put together and her white dress, the whole deal. They got married, and all went well.
In the baptism on Saturday there was a great attendance from the Ward. Brother Galán is the institute director in southern mexico and he is in our ward. He was a fellowshipper for them and he baptized them both :) I helped him baptize Salvador, because that was not so easy even between two people. It was a very spiritual baptism.
On Sunday, they got confirmed and it was pretty awesome :) But the neatest thing is that Salvador got up and gave his testimony. He stutters a lot because of his diabetes, but it was so powerful and the majority of us left thoroughly touched.That´s most of what is going on. My companion is getting transferred tomorrow. Elder Vite is going to Tepanatapec, Oaxaca. Thats a mouthfull, huh? Our last transfer we can´t be a Zone Leader, but go and finish as a Senior Companion, so he is going off for his last area. I am staying with an Elder Millan...he is a way humble guy also from Mexico D.F. Honestly, I am very happy to continue in this area :) And we are having like 7 changes in the Zone, so WOW that will be coool.
Also, in the Meeting with the stake presidency and the bishoprics we came up with an activity that is called "Bautismos en Grijalva". And we will have a joint baptismal service for all of the investigadores that get baptized that day in the stake. We are praying and preparing so that every area will have at least one child of god ready for that important step of baptism--- 22 of september!!!
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