MARCH 26TH, 2012
Dear blog, I enjoy writing to you but I have been neglecting writing thorough personal letters to my parents, so excuse the shortness of this letter. However, I am overall very happy. Transfers were fantastic...very sad to see Elder Ríos go (he was the easiest and "most like me" companion that I have had) but it was good to get Elder Aguilar. He is almost finishing his mission, is from Puebla, and seems like a solid missionary. But it was such a joyful reunion to see Elder Walker (my ex-companion that I had for 6 months in Yajalon). I love him like a brother. Also, remember Victor and his family? We met him when he was drunk one day, and from that conversation many people have been brought to the gospel. He gave us a reference through which Anilu and Jordy joined the church and they gave us a reference through which Josue was baptized. Well, he and his wife got married and with their two kids got baptized a couple of months ago. That made me soo happy...and it was nice to hear something positive in spite of the many difficulties that they are facing in that area.
Eneyda, who got baptized 2 weeks ago, is severely ill. Her body just like stopped working, and she can´t move anything. It was special as the Branch President and a few members were able to support her and drive her to the hospital in tuxtla. It was very sad to see, and she will be in our prayers.
That´s all, folks...
APRIL 2ND 2012
Well, i am short on time today...but a TON has happened.
Also, quick update the baptisms attached are from the elders in Xochimilco right now. They baptized 3 (and next week the fourth of that family that Elder Sanchez and I were teaching. So, thats great :)
Also, President Cardenas called us on Friday and asked us, where are you?. We told him that we were in Benito Juarez, a little town about ten minutes away...and then he told us, Ok I am here Independencia see you there in the park of Benito in ten minutes. So we talked with president, and "coincidentally" (God is amazing) Benito Juarez is where our Branch President lives, so we met with President Cardenas and our Branch President, and the Assistants. That was fun. When I was in Dad´s mission, I thought it was so weird that sometimes missionaries would be nervous around him, but sometimes I feel a little nervous around President Cardenas honestly haha. Now, I know why. Especially when he drove 3 or 4 hours just to come and see us (and later return 3 or 4 hours).
Also, Church was AWESOME! the way, we couldn´t see General Conference (bummer)...there isn´t internet in Independencia, and the leaders told us to stay here. But, we had fast and testimony meeting, and Erick (a 15 year old really smart kid that will be baptized this Saturday) shared his testimony. He is an answer to our prayers...a future missionary, and leader in the church. Also, they announced that this Saturday will be the baptism of Mauricio and Claudia (a young couple...Mauricio is a brother of Arizz and Yadira that just got baptized), Cristopher, Erick, and possibly Ivan. We hope and pray that the baptism will all work out.
After church, Erick wanted to go out with he came and accompanied until 9 o clock...and presented us with various friends. He put the goal to finish the book of Mormon in a week and a half (that is faster than I have ever read it...and he’s never read it!).
Oh, and the place of our church building will change this week! Woo hoo...and President Cardenas will put a computer in it for our Branch President!
Love y’all and thank you for your prayers...maybe I don´t know who is praying, but I certainly can feel the strength of many prayers on my behalf.
APRIL 9TH, 2012
This entry will be short as I want to write a good letter to Mom. This week Christopher and Erick got baptized...they had soo much opposition but fulfilled their goal and are continuing with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for the Gospel. Erick has read up to more or less Alma 40 in just this week, and plans to finish the book this next week. Erick beforehand (as a 15-year-old) taught classes in the Catholic Church...he has soo much of the Bible memorized...and this week a bunch of the Catholic leaders and youth came to his house to persuade him not to get baptized, but he responded them by making them listen to him read all of 2 Nefi 27 and sharing his testimony of the Restoration. He is a strong kid, and rather exited to be in the church. Christopher is almost 19 years old, and right now almost no one of his family and friends is very supportive (but we are working with his mom).
Jonny is a young man that goes on his mission to Puebla this week...the photo of the Branch is from the Farewell that he had. We will now have 2 missionaries serving from the Branch. Christopher told Jonny that he is excited for him and hopes that when Jonny gets back that he will already have left on the mission. There was a special spirit there. Oh, and we are now enjoying our new meetinghouse...its pretty good in my opinion.
Mauricio and Claudia wanted to get baptized in a certain river that was full of people for the if all goes well maybe this Saturday they will take that step.
I love the Independence Branch of the Misión México Tuxtla Gutierrez!
APRIL 15TH, 2012

APRIL 15TH, 2012
We had 63 people in church yesterday. That is the highest we have had. Many families are reactivating and regaining enthusiasm due to the new location of the meetinghouse, Jonathán leaving on a mission, baptisms happening in the ward, etc. So, that is wonderful. Although, some things about church need to be improved...we should probably remind this one Sister not to bring her dog so it doesn´t sniff everyone during sacrament meeting, etc...but no complaints.
Elder Bednar will come this Saturday, and I am so excited to be strengthened by the Spirit in Tuxtla!!!
I´ll update more next week...adios :)
Elder Palmer
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