Guess what? I am in Yajalon with Elder Walker for another transfer! At the end of this transfer I will have been here for 6 months, 4 and a half of them with Elder Walker. We are talking about the goals we have, and the miracles we will try to make happen. I know that our work here in Yajalon is not over.
Well, we changed places for church...instead of our little house without running water or electricity, we went to a little gazebo covering thing that used to be used by one of the members for killing chickens. So...we were wondering how we were going to make that one work, but after a number of "service projects" there, we made it presentable, and filled it with some nice chairs. We had a humble church meeting yesterday that was very special. Leiver (recently baptized) got the priesthood, Rodi (our only young man) got ordained a priest, and Luis (a reactivating member that is preparing to baptize his wife, Yadira) got an interview. Due to special circumstances, Luis and Leiver will get visited by members from the Stake Presidency this week to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. And then we will have 6 Melchizedek Priesthood holders active! There used to be just 3. So we are excited about that.
Luis and Yadira were more or less unstable earlier in the week, but in a lesson during the week Luis bore sweet testimony to Yadira and promised her that he would help her prepare for Baptism on the 30 of June. They skipped the best day of selling grilled chicken (Sunday) to come to church.
One day not too far, we will see a branch form here. I am so excited for that day.
These weeks have been hard. Communicating with someone that you live with 24 hours a day for more than 3 months sometimes becomes hard, as we are very different people. But boy, we are learning a ton. And we sometimes joke to each other that we want an easier area...with a real church building, a real organized church unit, etc...but luckily God steadily reminds us that He wants us here. And we are trying to see the bright side...the beauty of the growth in this area.
Much love,
Elder Palmer
Oh, and did you know that every district meeting we have to go to Ocosingo? I was calculating it, and at the end of this next transfer, I will have traveled for District meetings, church, and zone conferences for more than 150 hours in these 6 months. Whoa. Haha.
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